The Durham Softball League is a co-ed, recreational, adult, slow-pitch softball league. Participants should play to have fun, make friends, get exercise, and help local charities. Players must temper their competitive spirit with good sportsmanship and always attempt to avoid injury, both for themselves and others. Individuals who cannot translate these goals into attitudes and actions on the field should not play in this league.

Participants in Durham Softball must recognize that, as in any sport, there is a potential for significant injury. Players should also recognize that some of their teammates and opponents might have little or no experience playing softball, which makes injuries more likely. For their own safety, all players should learn proper techniques of batting, fielding and base running, and instruct less skilled players in the proper techniques.


It is the responsibility of the team captains and umpires to monitor the conduct of the players and to take appropriate actions to correct objectionable behavior. Teammates of the offending players should exert pressure to stop offensive behavior. Peer pressure is our most effective means of enforcement. Umpires are charged with ejecting players if, in their opinion, the situation warrants it.

Permission to use the playing fields is contingent upon our respect for the facility and our behavior. You are expected to remove all trash from the field when you leave.

Code of Conduct

  • Abusive language and/or profanity and vulgar behavior will not be tolerated and can result in player and/or coaches being suspended.
  • Individuals will not insult opposing players or umpires.
  • Players should park only in the designated parking lots. This includes motorcycles and vans. Do not park on the grass.
  • Do not broadcast loud music. Audio equipment is not allowed on the field.
  • Fighting constitutes automatic suspension for one calendar year.
  • No smoking or unused equipment is allowed in the playing area.
  • No alcoholic beverages or grills are allowed at the field.

Basically, if you can’t play nice, you’ll be asked to leave. Please play nice.

To download the official playing rules and guidelines for softball, click here(Last Updated Fall 2022)

Durham Softball