We will be using DPR facilities and have a hard deadline to finish the season before all DPR facilities close for the Summer of July 1 and Winter on November 1. Every effort to play all our games each week will be made, but DPR will ultimately decide if the fields are playable and determine if we can use the fields each day. We want to play at least 8 or 9 regular season games each season, but we are scheduling as many regular season games as possible every season. If we never get rained out, we have no room to reschedule the game, because every possible week has already been scheduled. If we get rained out, those games will be cancelled entirely. This is to ensure the full season is finished before the fields close for the Summer/Winter.

For every game cancelled, we will be adding $25 per team to the end-of-season Donation Pool. We try to play every game possible and do our best to combat the weather, but some cancellations are unavoidable. Instead of a per-game cancellation refund, we will donate a higher percentage of your registration fee to our partner non-profits. At the end of the season, we will total any amounts owed from cancellations and add that to your team’s earned Donation Pool.

Durham Softball