Mission: We build environmentally just, resilient, and beautiful outdoor spaces in cooperation with Durham communities.

At Keep Durham Beautiful, our vision is that everyone in Durham has access to clean, green and beautiful outdoor spaces. That’s why we listen and take action every day to learn about our community’s environmental needs.

While it is daunting to try to solve the issues challenging our environment alone, Keep Durham Beautiful is here to make it easier. Together we can lay the foundation for a resilient community. An affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Keep Durham Beautiful is a 501c3 nonprofit. We work in partnership with the City of Durham and Durham County to help residents take action through volunteer opportunities, tool lending, educational programs, and resource coordination. Our environmental stewardship activities focus on litter prevention and community greening where they are most needed.

In Spring of 2022, we launched our Litter Kits in Schools program with the help of a grant. 20 Durham Public Schools received a fully stocked litter kit including litter grabbers, safety vests, gloves, trash bags, and a Litter and Waste Curriculum Guide aligning with NC Science Standards.

With a reusable litter cleanup kit housed permanently at participating schools, teachers have the tools and flexibility to teach sustainability lessons on their school campus and the surrounding neighborhoods without the resource-intensive burden of bringing students to a service project and without the financial costs of purchasing a litter kit.

We would love the opportunity to expand the Litter Kits in Schools Program to all 57 public schools in Durham, and each kit costs approximately $500.

2025 Spring - B League Standings